2014 designed by Robert Williams

Glass Art by Marian Miller

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Marian has been working with glass since 1991 when she took a year-long course at a technical school in Sarasota, Florida and apprenticed with a group of artists who specialized in stained glass designs for commercial, residential and ecclesiastical windows. 
​​She is the recipient of the 1994 Tampa Tribune Purchase Award and the 1993 Award of Merit at the Citrus County Florida Festival of the Arts. She participated in the Homosassa Springs Arts and Seafood Festival,
Crystal River Manatee Arts Festival and the Transylvania County Arts Council summer shows at
Brevard College in North Carolina.
Currently residing in Pisgah Forest, North Carolina, she is a member of the Transylvania County  Handicrafters Guild and participates in the Guild shows at Brevard College.

​Marian is also a member of Number 7 Arts in Brevard, and her work can be seen in the Gallery at 2 West Main Street.
​Contact Marian at glassmiller97@gmail.com

Number 7 Arts: website

To purchase an item seen on this site, please email Marian at glassmiller97@gmail.com